
Websummit 2017


greenteg was at the Websummit 2017 to display our unique solution for non-invasive continuous core body temperature measurements in Lisbon.

About the Websummit 2017

We’re a company from Dublin, Ireland, that holds events across the world: Web Summit in Lisbon, Web Summit Rio in Rio de Janeiro, Collision in Toronto, and RISE in Hong Kong. Politico has said we run “the world’s premier tech conference”, the Atlantic that Web Summit is “where the future goes to be born”, and the New York Times that we assemble “a grand conclave of the tech industry’s high priests.” At a time of great uncertainty for many industries and, indeed, the world itself, we gather the founders and CEOs of technology companies, fast-growing startups, policymakers, and heads of state to ask a simple question: Where to next?” Source: Websummit’s website

Why is core body temperature monitoring so important?

Core body temperature is an important parameter when assessing the state of health of the human body. Applications in wearable and medtech include sports training monitoring, stress detection, sleep quality and ovulation tracking as well as obesity and Alzheimer’s prevention.