
ETH Week


greenteg participated in the ETH Week 2017: Learn more below !

About the ETH Week

“Since the first edition in 2015, ETH Week brings together students from all departments. They work in interdisciplinary teams in an environment that facilitates creativity, curiosity and innovation. Instead of handing them a concrete task, they are asked to define their own challenge and think of forward-​looking solutions. The curriculum integrates scientific methods with design thinking as core elements of the concept of the week. In addition, especially trained tutors accompany the teams and are responsible for aligning the fast-​paced process with team dynamics. Each year, ETH Week is organized with a different thematic focus, therefore involving changing content partners who are responsible for framing the topic in such a way that it is accessible while providing a wide range of perspectives. Other key partners from different departments and staff units of ETH Zurich are responsible for training the tutors, designing the process and implementing the complex logistics of the week. In addition, as many of the students return to become tutors or facilitators, ETH Week is truly engaged in strengthening an interdisciplinary network across faculty, students and staff.”

Source: ETH’s website

About greenteg at the ETH Week 2017

The topic of the 2017 ETH week was “Manufacturing the Future” : all participants are invited to put technology in the context of a far reaching discussion that impacts the society we live in, the economy we work in, and the environment we are going to leave to future generations. greenteg will be introduced during the opening event on Sunday (10. September) as one of the successful ETH spin-offs. Hans Hess, President of Swissmem, and Detlef Günther, Vice President of Research and Corporate Relations, will discuss the role of manufacturing in Switzerland for the citizens and the economy.