
1000 Solutions Label Solar Impulse Foundation


greenteg x Solar Impulse Foundation

greenteg received for the first time the 1000 Solutions Label by the Solar Impulse Foundation! Find out more below

About greenteg and the Solar Impulse Foundation

The Solar Impulse Foundation, founded by Swiss entrepreneur and philanthropist Bertrand Piccard, is a Swiss organization whose vision is to bring the gap between ecology and economy. It supports the development of solutions that combine the protection of the environment with profitability, believing that sustainability could be widely adopted if is not perceived as an economic or behavioral sacrifice.


As a part of this effort, this organization offers the #1000solutions label to those products and services that combine profitability and ecological sustainability. Last month, the foundation awarded the label to the gO Measurement System – the leading measurement device for planning energetic retrofits of the building stock. The foundation highlights the potential of the gOMS for improving the carbon footprint of buildings through significant energy savings.

At greenteg, we are very honored for this prestigious award, and we proud to be part of the next generation of technologies supported by the foundation that contribute to build a better and sustainable future!