
CardioWatch 287-2 from Corsano Health gets EU-MDR certified!


Corsano-Health-Cardiowatch-287-2-Bracelet.webp Medical grade, multi-sensor, convenient bracelets for continuous monitoring of cardio-respiratory function (credit: Corsano Health)

We’re delighted to hear that Corsano Health just received the European Union Medical Devices Regulation (EU-MDR) certification for their second generation medical bracelet, the CardioWatch 287-2. Corsano Health is a leading MedTech company that develops, produces and markets medical grade health monitoring solution and has integrated our CALERA® technology into their wrist-worn watch.

CardioWatch-287-2-on-mans-wrist.webp Corsano Health offers the most patient friendly medically certified wearable with ergonomic and aesthetic designs for continuous wear (credit: Corsano Health)

CardioWatch from Corsano Health is not like any medical bracelet you know. It’s a wireless remote monitoring system that continuously collects physiological data at home and in healthcare setting. The certificate validates Corsano Health’s CardioWatch 287-2 as a reliable device to accurately makes measurement of:

  • Core body temperature
  • Continuous heart rate monitoring
  • RR intervals
  • Breathing rate or Respiratory rate
  • Third party proprietary A-Fib algorithm
  • Activity (data set)
  • Sleep monitoring
  • Oxygen saturation
  • Electrodermal activity
  • Blood pressure (in development)

Vital Parameters

corsano-cardiowatch-parameters.webp Different vital parameters that the CardioWatch measures (credit: Corsano Health)

These insights are useful to notify healthcare professionals when physiological data fall outside selected parameters. Transmitted wirelessly from the device via the application of a gateway to a health cloud, the data is stored and made available for further analysis. It also offers access to raw PPG and ACC data for deeper evaluation to academic researchers and institutions. As greenteg did, Corsano Health also exhibited at Medica Fair 2022 in Düsseldorf from 14 to 17 November. They presented their CardioWatch 287 at Hall 12/D33. Want to to learn more about it? Click here!

Interested in knowing more about our CALERA®solution? Here are some recommended links:

Fever Algorithm Wearable Technologies Press Release

CALERA® Research
